關於台灣未來銳舞場景的團結與極致想像 — 9/14 Sat. 共域構聲 Synesthesia 座落 Big Tent 並首度在瑞芳台灣新千年E號火力支援下,串聯本地各大場域組織、新媒體團隊、廠牌主理與人氣 DJ、裝置藝術、花藝設計、紋身與一眾品牌攤位,攜手打造不同凡響的新銳藝文聚落!
現場力邀場景靈魂 Scott Noise、S9 音樂總監 Tookie Tookie、瑞芳台灣 Wellen,新媒體團隊的音樂藝術家 CR 與 STALLION,花博 23 日裔狂氣小子 Kaoru,甫從歐陸巡演歸國的 B E N N、海肯主創 H$1N 等人。至於壓軸則有瓊漿玉液主理人 younger dryas 與多才多藝的組合 TZI + Bo Yin + Bi-function 在深夜進行華麗放送。
DJ Lineup
Scott Noise
@scottnoiseSTALLION aka Ray (XTRUX)
@r_.a.y @xtrux_officialH$1N (乆 JOIN)
@hensionyoung @join_291ugCR鉻 (No.7 Angel)
@cr.chrom1um @no.7angelB E N N (Overmybody)
@bnnw_tw @overmybody.twTookie Tookie aka DZRT FRST (Reprobate)
@dzrtfrst @reprobatetwKAORU (23 Music Room)
@henta1gloomyboyWellen (RFTW Hard Crew)
@welllllen @ravefuntaiwan younger dryas (nectar 瓊漿玉液)
@younger.dryas___TZI + Bo Yin + Bi-function
@tzihung@bo_yin @jus_bi_funktionVendor/Exhibition/Support
海肯商行、瓊漿玉液、Mess-age Studio、23 Music Room、Studio 9、RFTW Hard Crew、Reprobate、No.7 Angel、XTRUX、張耀翔 ł yaoxiang、Cels 細胞、Y_T 破幹台北、Flower Time Life、洄香、晶屋&LSD
XTRUX — 新媒體投影
@xtrux_officialNo.7 Angel — 新媒體投影
@no.7angelCels 細胞 — 人體彩繪 ft.
@jonathantwtp_tattooHikaria 梨子— 雷射與燈光裝置
@hikariaaaBrokenhao — 佈景與裝置藝術
@brokenhao張耀翔 ł yaoxiang — 藝品展示
@yaoxiangzFlower Time Life — 花藝展示
@flowertimelife_Nectar 瓊漿玉液 — 區域營造
Date - 2024/09/14 Sat. 22:30 - 05:00
Loca - 台北市玉門街1號 MAJI Big Tent 音樂庭園
Price - Adv. Ticket $700 At Door $800 After 00:00 $900
Flyer designed by
@hensionyoungGet Ready for a Soundclash!
On 9/14 (Sat.) we’re taking over Taipei EXPO Park’s Big Tent for a night of cutting-edge beats: DnB, Breaks, Leftfield techno, Latintek, Industrial, and Post-club. Hosted by Taiwan’s underground heavyweights, HK07 MRCZIN & 乆 JOIN, this is the future sound you’ve been waiting for.
With RFTW Hard Crew’s New Soundsystem backing us up, we’re pulling together top crews, new media art collectives, label DJs, exhibition artists, party tattoos, and sick vendors. This is where fresh art and rave culture collide.
As music and culture evolve, PLUR’s (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) spirit stays alive, a lasting legacy of connection and evolution. JOIN us on 9/14 (Sat.) 共域構聲 Synesthesia — where Taiwan’s future rave scene unites for a night of ultimate imagination.